We Belong  
Summer Update 2018

Hello Preston Hollow East Neighbors we are pleased to share the following summer update.

 Patrol & Membership:

PHEHA is proud to share that between Memorial Day and Labor Day we will experience 24 x 7 expanded patrol coverage. We want to thank each and every one who has contributed this year and we want you to know how much your fellow members appreciate your generous support. We hope you have a wonderful summer and know that we will all enjoy the highest level of protection available in Preston Hollow East.

 Membership Drive, Annual Meeting and National Night Out:

As a reminder PHEHA will begin our annual membership drive in the fall. Our annual meeting will be held at the park on the same evening as National Night Out (always the 1st Tuesday in October). We encourage all members to renew and please speak to your friends and neighbors about renewing and joining. 24 x7 patrol does not have to be seasonal. Preston Hollow East could have 24 x7 patrol coverage all year long if we all pitch in and contribute.

 Vacation Coverage:

Be sure to take advantage of PHEHA vacation coverage by emailing, calling or texting patrol your dates of travel and your address. It's that simple. Don't forget to pause your mail and newspaper delivery, too. PHEHA expanded patrol  officers will stop by your home daily while you are away and remove any visible signs you may be out of town (flyers on your door, newspapers in your yard, etc...).

To hear what your neighbors are saying about their experience with PHEHA expanded patrol click here: https://pheha.org/feedback.

Share your experience with our patrol at info@PHEHA.org.

 New Neighbors:

PHEHA is actively reaching out to neighbors new to Preston Hollow East. Did you know more than 60 homes are sold each year in our boundaries? Over a few short years that means 100s of new neighbors!  PHEHA volunteers are actively contacting our new neighbors to welcome them! Each year many of members move out of the neighborhood and we know how important it is reach our new neighbors to keep our expanded patrol program strong.

You can help too by welcoming new neighbors and talking with them about funding expanded patrol in our community. PHEHA will only improve our patrol coverage and continue to set the goal higher with your help, generous volunteer support and with meaningful contributions by each household. 

 PD-15 Development:

PHEHA has been selected by Councilmember Gates to join the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee is inclusive of representation of all property owners within PD15, with proportional representation mirroring land mass, as well as representation from outside PD15 with the knowledge those neighbors are impacted by the zoning. The Steering Committee will hold meetings with staff to review the current zoning of the area, any possible changes, and to develop proposed zoning amendments. At the conclusion of the Steering Committee meetings, a second Community Meeting will be held to present any proposed zoning amendments.

For questions or additional information, please contact Lauren Clayton at lauren.clayton@dallascityhall.com or 214-670-3816. As information becomes available it will be posted to the website set up by councilmember Gates: http://dallascityhall.com/government/citycouncil/district13/Pages/PD-15-Zoning.aspx. PHEHA also has a page on our website dedicated to updates for PD15 https://pheha.org/PD-15 .

We encourage neighbors to listen to all facts, attend meetings, be open minded, voice informed opinions and participate in and respect the process.

 Reminder - In Case of Emergency:

Even though we will have 24 x 7 patrol this summer always dial 9-1-1 first in case of emergency, then call PHEHA patrol. During ENP hours the officer on patrol will immediately respond to any 9-1-1 calls and home burglary alarms originating in Preston Hollow East. This is helpful as our officer on duty will immediately be alerted by dispatch and be able to respond immediately while simultaneously if back up is required dispatch can make sure more help is also on the way!

PHEHA patrol will not leave our neighborhood to respond to other 911 calls originating from outside PHEHA boundaries.

 Thank You!

Thank you to all of our active members who support PHEHA and Expanded Neighborhood Patrol. It's caring neighbors like you that make our neighborhood such a safe and friendly place to call home.


Juli Black, President

Preston Hollow East Homeowners Association